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Grand Rising Gratitude

As I rise this morning,

I intentionally open my awareness through my heart:

This life is a gift.

I have been gifted my breath,

and so I begin my day giving back my pranic breath,

emanating gratitude from deep within my beautiful heart.

This life is a gift.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and I stretch my body.

How good to have a body!

I hug myself and those who share my home.

This life is a gift and truly is mine to do as I will.

I activate my imagination so that I may connect to my essence within.

I ask myself, what will bring me joy today?

I make a promise to do that very thing.

May I be kind in every interaction with myself and all others.

May my kindness spark others to more fully ignite their light.

How good to greet the day

with excitement and gratitude!

I pray that I will meet each day with incrementally more happiness,

no matter the outer circumstances.

How beautiful to think that I will eventually meet my death,

being the happiest I have ever been.

I Am here!

Awake in this miracle of life.

Joyfully surrendering myself into the pulse of giving and receiving.

And so I rise!



You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase:

I hope this prayer is a blessing for you.


Please personalize it with your own words and beautiful heart-resonant energy.


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Thank you!


Blessings, Lisa

I gratefully receive support through Patreon and PayPal to continue creating prayers for individual and collective spiritual evolution.  

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Legal Disclaimer: In using PrayerSmith and/or Lisa Catania’s offerings, you acknowledge your responsibility for your self-determined best interest.  Lisa Catania as PrayerSmith does not diagnose or prescribe treatment, including mental health services. (Lisa Catania, LCSW, provider of professional psychotherapy services in the State of Illinois, offers separate services requiring specific consent and agreements.)

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