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Healing From Grief

Last night I dreamt of you

and remembered losing you all over again.

I relived the heart-wrenching realization that

you are gone from my life

and that I have no other choice

but to grieve you and bury you.

How could it be true that you are really gone?

And yet, in the morning’s light and routines,

I eerily find the dream fading away.

As if I Am suspended between realities,

I Am not sure what to allow…

Let you disappear all over again

with the charge of the day?

Or crawl back into the distorted dreamscape

and the awful grief?

I know I Am still searching for you…

Where do you reside now?

And how do I help my forlorn self

who is perpetually suspended

in this terrible nightmare?

I allow.

The tears.

The shock of the suspended unreality.

The anger that I feel so utterly alone.

The guilt that there was so much more

I could have done and did not.

The pain of the profound loss,

like a giant sinkhole

threatening to swallow everything into nothingness.

I allow the grief because it declares

all over again

how much I love you!

I allow the grief because it affirms

that my heart is working

and I know that all this pain reveals

the capacity of my deep vulnerability

and immense feelings.

And, I choose this.

I choose all this feeling.

All of this pulverization and reforming.

I know my heart is reconstructing itself

and growing it’s wisdom and softness.

As I choose to stay vulnerable,

I Am allowing my heart to lead the Way

to transform me beyond my ego's drive to control and survive.

I know deep inside my heart

the only way to heal through grief

is to feel,

allow all my feelings,

and to hold myself with gentle, kind self-compassion.

Again and again and again.

I lovingly allow and choose my messy grief.

I embrace my love and my pain.

I AM the embodiment of

self-compassion and self-love.

As I resurrect my beautiful heart,

for me,

I widen and deepen my capacity

to give and receive love.

I AM becoming a more loving beautiful version

of myself

through every tear and smile.

Thank you grief.



You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase:


I hope this prayer is a blessing for you.

Please personalize it with your own words and beautiful heart-resonant energy.


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Thank you!


Blessings, Lisa

I gratefully receive support through Patreon and PayPal to continue creating prayers for individual and collective spiritual evolution.  

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Legal Disclaimer: In using PrayerSmith and/or Lisa Catania’s offerings, you acknowledge your responsibility for your self-determined best interest.  Lisa Catania as PrayerSmith does not diagnose or prescribe treatment, including mental health services. (Lisa Catania, LCSW, provider of professional psychotherapy services in the State of Illinois, offers separate services requiring specific consent and agreements.)

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