I Decree:
I AM a miraculous orchestration of energy appearing as matter.
I AM trust and faith in action knowing all power is mine.
I AM Karuna Compassion for myself
and for my precious cells beckoning my loving attention.
For my self healing,
I breathe into being present,
while releasing fear.
I observe any pain and discordance within my body.
I Am with what is, without projecting fear.
I ground myself in my core belief that
All that I experience inside and outside me
is a reflection of me.
I know that nothing that is of me can harm me.
Through my body’s expressions,
I Am witnessing what I have created consciously and subconsciously
from my infinite experiences.
I release my ego’s guilt, judgment and fear beliefs;
simultaneously I soften and breathe into my loving self-intentions.
I center myself in acceptance and power
as the sovereign creator of my own experience
in this precious life moment.
Generous with myself,
I call in all of the Angelic Beings and Guides
who love me unconditionally:
Bless me so that I may receive exactly what I need in my highest and best interest!
I decree:
I AM powerful (beyond what I was taught).
I AM a beautiful lighthouse of love.
My radiant love-light flows from my God-Self.
I bask myself and my cells in radiant LovingKindness.
Beyond any doubt,
I Am worthy of perfect health, well-being, peace and joy.
As I allow myself to embody this truth,
I invoke healing energy within my areas of concern.
I command any energy resonating other than
as God conceived for me
be released to the heavens
to be transmitted back into
Christ Consciousness
patterns of perfection and purity.
Hands over my heart,
I center my focus on my heart
and I attune to this miraculous resonance within,
holding and magnify this healing
within the holiest chamber of my sacred heart.
I proclaim:
With every breath,
I amplify this alchemic transmission
until my healing is complete.
I know my path is blessed by miracles!
I surrender to the miracles,
opening all of my senses and my heart
to witness the blessings flowing into my life,
Right Now.
Clear in my resolve
to transmute my revealed miscreations,
I promise to prioritize myself,
and through self-dedication
to engage in the healthy behaviors and rituals
which honor my needs to thrive and flow.
Thank You!
All is well.
And So It Is!
And So I AM!
I AM Love!
I AM Loved!