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I AM Going Home

“The light has come,

calling me to join.

I Am not afraid

for I Am going home.

In the space between breaths,

in the twilight of my Consciousness,

I Am remembering.

I now behold my pure light

emanating before me,

I Am ready to join

the radiant stream of rainbow light.

I feel my resonance

synchronizing with the melodious symphony



Within the light,

I can hear the effusive chatter

and singing of

Ancestors calling me

with their love, joy and open arms.

They are preparing the Way.

For Me.

For I AM going home!”


You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase:

I hope this prayer is a blessing for you.

Please personalize it with your own words and beautiful heart-resonant energy.


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you can make a donation of your choosing through PayPal or Patreon

Thank you!


Blessings, Lisa

I gratefully receive support through Patreon and PayPal to continue creating prayers for individual and collective spiritual evolution.  

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Legal Disclaimer: In using PrayerSmith and/or Lisa Catania’s offerings, you acknowledge your responsibility for your self-determined best interest.  Lisa Catania as PrayerSmith does not diagnose or prescribe treatment, including mental health services. (Lisa Catania, LCSW, provider of professional psychotherapy services in the State of Illinois, offers separate services requiring specific consent and agreements.)

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