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I Forgive Those Around Me for the Ways They Do Not Understand

I forgive you and release my expectation for you to respond to my needs.

I allow myself to make clear bids for connection,

like sonar pulses expressing my energetic resonance, my needs.

I recognize my hope that you will be able to receive my call, understand and respond to me.

However, when my call passes through you,

I will acknowledge the disappointment as my own

versus any shortcomings on your part.

For whatever reason, you are not able to reflect me in this moment.

I do not need to interpret, assign, judge it, or you.

I forgive and release my own projection of hurt onto you or our relationship.

I forgive myself, and I act to love myself.

I care for my resonant call.

I give myself permission to be where I Am at and to feel what I feel, and to freely flow!

I open myself to the grace of such empowerment,

and I direct my pleas into the invisible world of sacred connection.

I allow my longings to become my prayer,

my beacon for Divinely orchestrated intervention and validation.

I hold my heart open wide,

to perceive

and receive

all the love flowing to me.

And so it is.


You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase:

I hope this prayer is a blessing for you.


Please personalize it with your own words and beautiful heart-resonant energy.


If this prayer has touched your heart, and you would like to support my work, 

you can make a donation of your choosing through PayPal or Patreon

Thank you!


Blessings, Lisa

I gratefully receive support through Patreon and PayPal to continue creating prayers for individual and collective spiritual evolution.  

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Legal Disclaimer: In using PrayerSmith and/or Lisa Catania’s offerings, you acknowledge your responsibility for your self-determined best interest.  Lisa Catania as PrayerSmith does not diagnose or prescribe treatment, including mental health services. (Lisa Catania, LCSW, provider of professional psychotherapy services in the State of Illinois, offers separate services requiring specific consent and agreements.)

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