Surrounded by the density,
I allow myself to sink.
Deep into the dark
I descend.
Shrouded by the dead
energies of doubt, depletion
fear, anger, depression
I am lost to myself.
In my denial of light,
shadows merge
and I and the pain
become one.
I sacrifice myself to the dark
facilitating my deprivation
of light and love.
Lower energies begin to feast
accelerating my disintegration….
Adrift the shadowlands, I forget who I AM.
From deep within,
my Higher Self and my tender heart
still blaze,
beckoning my will
to illuminate
and orchestrate
my ascension and
my rightful resurrection!
I call upon the energies of Inanna, Isis and Jesus,
to engage my Sacred Phoenix,
my Christed-Self.
With my sword,
cast by Kali-Ma,
my light slices through my constraints.
With my shield,
consecrated by Joan of Arc,
I forge my path to the surface
ushering me back to the light.
Once again free and bathing in Love’s generous resources,
I remember my one and only truth:
I AM that I AM.
Free and Holy
Loved and Worthy.
And so it is.
You can find this prayer in this book, available for purchase: